Tuesday 23 April 2013

Insomniatic talking...P.S I need reminding to change the header of my blog, won't be 16 much longer :D


Insomnia strikes again and I'm in need of something to send me to sleep, so I thought Id write a wee bit and see if it gets me anywhere :)

Nothing all that exciting has been happening recently, preparing for my exams has practically taken over my life :( but I'm hoping this new found bright thing in the sky is going to change that soon and I'll have more to blog about. I've got some wonderful holidays coming up on the next few months so I will hopefully be back on the metaphorical wagon!

This weekend appears to be an exciting one, Tiger has all but decided he's taking me ice skating to celebrate my birthday!! I loved roller blading when my blades fit, but my balance is SHOCKING!! Seriously I fall over by simply standing still, so I'm not sure how I'll fair on ice!!! But nonetheless I'm really looking forward to it and I hope to god it doesn't end in A&E because that would NOT be a good end to something so awesome! More on that later...maybe...if I remember...don't hold me to that.

I've been window shopping a lot recently with my birthday coming up family have been asking me what I want, my main answer was money or my Provisional Drivers Licence (not that I can afford to learn right now). However I did come across a couple of things that caught my fancy!

The first was a gorgeous long military style coat. Now I know what you're thinking- oh my god a big coat when it's nearly summer?!?! But don't panic, as far as I know I've stopped in the growing department, so Ill be able to wear it when winter comes knocking :D I sent the link to the beauty to my wonderful Mumsy and a few days later...this happened

Isn't it gorgeous??!? I absolutely love it and cannot wait until winter so I can wear it all time :) it's so cosy and warm I don't want to take it off when it's on :D

Right I feel the drooping of eyelids so I'm hoping that spells sleep, night night my lovelies I hope you enjoy your weekend as much as I'm looking forward to mine :D

Rhi xx

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