Friday 13 July 2012

Random Facts Of The Young And Slightly Insane

Hello there!!
*voices in my head* HEYYYYYYYYY!!
*actual greetings* .........

I thought considering I have no homework, and no other obligations this summer I will try and get back into the blogging game! Or as I like to call it BLOGANAGENS!!! Pshh I'm kidding I don't call it that... *guilty face*

I thought today I would share with you 5 randomly interesting facts. So here goes....

1. You know when its raining and you can smell the rain? 
You aren't actually smelling the rain!!! Your sense of smell is enhanced in moisture and humidity, you are actually smelling the world around you!! 
(Similarly the smell of manure is more prominent in hot, humid climates)

2. Hippopotomontrosesquippedaliophobia is the fear of long words! 

3. A man named Charles Osbourne had the hiccups for 6 years!! 

4. Ben and Jerry's send the waste from making ice cream to local pig farmers to use as feed. Pigs love the stuff, except for one flavor: Mint Oreo.

And finally 5. There are only four words in the English language which end in "-dous": tremendous, horrendous, stupendous, and hazardous.

Wasn't that interesting!! oh, it wasn't? Okay..... wha wha wooooowwwww

This was a totally random post, It had no other point than to share with you something that I find remotely interesting! 

So I guess this is fairwell...

Much Love 



Thursday 28 June 2012

A Job, A Move and A Tiger!!

Hello there peoples of the blogging community!! :) I thought i was about time that I got back into the swing of things again! So here I am! 

I've had a rather interesting time of late, so I thought i'd take this opportunity to tell you about it. So, here we go!!! *Mario voice*

I haven't been blogging much recently because (being at the age I am) I have had a hell of a lot of studying to do!! YAY!! NO! But it's all over now, so all I can do is wait and hope for the love of god and my own sanity I did well!!! Cross your fingers for me, please?

I found out on my birthday that my mum got a new job at Warwick Hospital! SO YAY FOR MOTHER UNIT!! How,ever this brings me on to the next reason for my lack of blogs, in order for this job to work, my mum has to live within thirty minutes of the hospital for when she is on call....currently, we live just over an hour away. So quite obviously, this wouldn't work. Therefore we have decided to up sticks and move to Nuneaton, which is not only a lot closer to the hospital but also a lot closer to my dad (he already lives there). Nuneaton is however far enough away from my current school to mean that I have to move schools for next year, this means leaving all my friends behind and starting from scratch! :( Not good, not good at all. So there is positives and negatives, the negatives being I have to leave school, my friends and my boyfriend! :(

Yes, yes, you did read that correctly, I do indeed have a boyfriend as of June 3rd :-D 
I don't know if he'd liked to be named because...well I haven't asked him, so for the foreseeable future, he will be known as Tiger. This nickname would be confusing to anyone who wasn't 'in the know' as it were. so let me explain. 
Tiger and I met on August 26th 2011 at the awesome and extremely muddy Strawberry Fields Festival in Heather. It was the friday of the festival weekend (so the first day) and my friends and I were exploring the site, when we began to notice a group of lads were following us, or so we thought, we decided it was a coincidence and left it for the time being and carried on with our fun! After a few hours, we realized that the same guys were still following us around, we could for the life of us figure out why!!! At this point one of the more 'outgoing' members of our group decided it was time to find out what was going on!! So, she asked, as it turned out Tiger's friend, I'll call him Tall 'n' Blonde, had taken a liking to my good friend Alan  ( who I do believe I have written about before) which we all found lovely, so our group of friends converged together to become one big group! yay!! Bear in mind at this point, one of my biggest fears is meeting and having to talk to new people so I stood slightly off to the side. From this vantage point I could get a good look at all of the men, yes men, all of them were in there early 20s. Anyways, I got a good look, and from what i could see, one had a black eye, one was rather small and had a thing for his hat, another had his face painted like a 'mime' (in my opinion it was a crying clown), Obviously then there was Tall 'n' Blonde, and finally, there was the guy on the other side of the circle with his face painted like, YUP you guessed it, A tiger!! Not only that but he was also wearing a tiger hat! (I know, he looked just as cool as he sounded -_-) So as the night went on Vick (another friend) and Mr. black eye went off together to dance, Alan spent the rest of the night avoiding Tall 'n' Blonde and talking to our group. which left me, standing outside the music tent we were previously in with Small, Hat Guy, Tiger and Mr Mime. And what does socially awkward, no good with new people me do at this time? I choose this moment to dance FYI I can't dance! So I bet i looked great!!!! Well it seemed to work because by the end of the weekend i had all three add me on facebook! So its all lovely!!
Over the coming months I began to talk to Small hat guy and tiger and they both seemed like lovely guys! then some drama happened with small hat guy, that i don't want to mention, because its all lovely now! 
Either way, throughout all of this Tiger was there on the other end of the phone to offer support and advice and all such loveliness...blah de blah de blah, confessions, lies, multiple hugs, and Scottish teddy bear later and here we are!! 

Many people have said in the past month that our relationship is 'wrong' simply because of the age difference, but in all honesty...Is seven years all that much? I don't think so!! (for those of you trying to figure it out- he's 23, I'm 16) so yes it is legal! I thank ye velly mulch!!! 
What is your view on the matter? (not that it will change anything, I'm just curious)

Until the next time, I hope it is soon! 

Much love 

Rii xx

Friday 9 March 2012

Keep Calm and Eat A Cupcake

Hey guys!! Okay this is the first blog of hopefully many written ENTIRELY on my IPhone Blogger App!!! Yay!!!!

The past few weeks have been totally hectic!!! London, exams, work, being awesome! It's tiring y'know! :)

So let's start from the beginning-London, I did get the extra day down there with Aunt Type Creature which was absolutely awesome!!
We got a lot of jobs done and still had le time to bake the worlds yummiest cupcakes!!! And I even got to lick the bowl!!! Unfortunately I could quite get to the bottom! :(

Exams=urgh nuff said

Last night I was told by Mumsy that I had to tidy my wardrobe-I can under stand why....

So after vigorously emptying my wardrobe of clothes and recreating the great wall of china with them!

And finding random objects that shouldn't normally be in a wardrobe... Like crayons!

I now have a lush tidy wardrobe! The sad part's full!!! :( I need another wardrobe so I have a reason to buy new clothes-to fill it!!!!!

Also you may not have noticed but it's currently the tine of year that people give up certain things for a stupid amount of time for no reason! AKA Lent-my initial idea for this was to give up Quavers, Tooty Frooties and Cherry Coke-however this didn't last, as the day after the beginning if Lent I went out to my local Co-op; bought one of each and proceeded to chow down! Never have 'forbidden foods' tasted so good!!!

So all in all, a productive few weeks-I'm hoping to be able to post more now that I have acquired this app! So watch out for more of my Teenage Wanderings in the future-I tend to wander a lot so I think I'ma be okay!!

Lots of lovely love!

Sunday 12 February 2012

I just need to vent!


In case you haven't noticed I'm in the foulest of foul moods!!! Really not happy!!

Why am I not happy I hear you ask? Well, I hope you're sitting gaddamn comfortably!!

Firstly! I am ment to be going to London on Tuesday to see Aunt type creature! To my knowledge I was only stay Tuesday through to Wednesday, however today said aunt told me that she doesn't need to go into work on thurdday until late so if I wanted to I could stay an extra night! YAY! All seems well and good...doesn't it?
Here comes the bad bit...being only 15 I thought to myself it's probably a good idea to ask a parental figure if this was okay- apparently...not! The parental figure I am talking about said No! His reasoning being that I have a lot of homework to do...
But practically all homework is done!! In fact, I just counted and out of 8 pieces 5 are complete or onpy needing pictures adding (which involves a printer and as all my work today has been done on the laptop obviously that has been impossible). The 3 pieces that are left over- one is already in the bag I have pscked to take yto London...aanother is to be done during z journey so I would obviously to that on my way to London...and thr final piece is in my opinion so hard I honestly have no idea what to do!! So if you ask me I should be able to go. No?

Another reason said parental figure said I can't stay another night is apparebtly we are going to Coventry Swimming Pool on Thursday to make use of the diving board...which in all fairness would be fun- if I had the ball to use them...I am terrified of diving board and have been since I went thrpugh a terrible experience when I was 4 ish...basically my dad had told me to jump from the top I did. I ended up quite painfully belly flopping- since then I have been scared of diving be perfectly honest I dont want to go!!!

I really want to say in London and as I am taking my work with and I am terrified of diving board I see no reason for me not to go!!

Thank you for listening to my rant! Sorry if I bored you!

Loves Rhian

Ps...whats your view on the matter?!

Tuesday 31 January 2012

A Journey Through Life, Procrastination and Brian Cox!

Hey hey! It's me again- well- who else would it be? Silly Goose!

This weekend has been full to bursting point with work of most kinds! I had a physics exam on yesterday afternoon which i spent the majority of Saturday revising for that! (Complete waste of time if you ask me- I already have a C and I'm crap at Physics as it is!)

A Journey Through Life, the title of my Art homework. I had to photograph my day, and considering my weekend was spent working, I'm not gonna bore you by showing the pictures!

On the up side of life I gots me a new book!!!
Wonders of the Universe!

And finally I'd to draw you attention to a page on facebook shown to me by mumzy! Corsets-Uk (search it) it a page that does exactly what it says in the sell the most amazing gorgeous corsets!! I highly recommend taking a look. They are all at great prices and a great quality!!

Friday 27 January 2012


JUNE?!?!?!!? JUNE?!?!?!?!?! I HAVEN'T WRITTEN SINCE JUNE!?!?!?!?! MY GOSH!!!

Hey everybody!! Belated Merry Christmas, Happy Hannukah, Happy New Year- you know the drill...I'm not going to bore you with my New Years Resolutions because to be honest, it's practically february and it's a bit to late.

My Christmas was lovely, I spent it down in London with Aunt Type Creature Purdey It was full of drinks and presents and all round family fun based shenanagens. My favourite part has to be walking the Ginger Terror (small ginger dog thing) around Tottenham Court Road in my baby grow jammies and biker boots!! I did get a few odd looks but hey; its London- Everyone dresses weird!!

And now for something very silly.......the Aunt Type Creature posted this little quiz/name generator on her blog the other day and it made me giggle to I thought I'd share it with you.....

1.) Real Name: Rhiannon Leake

2.) Detective name(favorite color & favorite animal): Green Elephant

3.) Gangster Name (first 3 letters of your first name & add izzle): Rhiizzle

4.) Soap Opera Name (middle name & street you live on): Catrin Wadebridge

5.) Your Star Wars Name (first 3 letters of your last name, first 2 letters of your middle name): Leari

6.) Your Superhero Name (2nd favorite color & favorite drink): Yellow Milk (sounds nasty)

7.) Your Witness Protection Name (your fathers middle name): Michael

8.) Your Goth Name (black & the name of one of your pets): Black Cassie

I'm enjoying my Star Wars name and I may have to change it to this, Or I'll call my kid that!! AWWWW BABY LEARI!!!!

Recently I have been told by people a lot recently that I look like Kristen Stewart...I'm not sure if this is a complement or an insult?
I cant see it to be honest!