Monday 28 March 2011

The last picture!!!

dont believe it!! Its been 30 days already!!! Thats crazy!!!! So for my last picture i have to post one of someone I miss

This is my Molly dog. She was the sweetest dog in the whole world!!! But she got really old and was in a lot of pain because she had arthritis so unfortunately she got put to sleep last August. I miss her but I think it was for the best. She isnt in pain anymore.

I woke up today with literally no voice because of the amount on London cack in my lungs! But I suppose its something you get used to living there. It was strange though.

I dyed my hair this evening. It was meant to be chocolate brown but its really reddish!!! Looks cool though.

I have to think this week about a Mothers Day present for both my mother and my Stepmother. This could be fun- any ideas?

Sunday 27 March 2011

what makes me smile?

Im back from london. *sad faces* ive had a very relaxing day today making chocolate peppermint bark aaand awesome bacon and cheese wraps. It was lovely. There was cuffuffles with trains because of the london midlands strikes grrr but i got back pretty easily!!! We were planning to go to the V&A museum but because of the protesters being stupid we didnt want to get stuck so we stayed in the visinity of the house.

Today i have to post a picture of something that can always make me smile.
This one is easy
This was taken yesterday after our amazing lunch at Ed's Diner. It reminds me of our really funny waiter. He was lovely.

Did you have a good weekend?


Saturday 26 March 2011

my fereaking huge ice cream!!!!

Im in Laaaaandan!!!! I have spent the day out with Purdey Singleton YAY we went to the national history museum-which was fabulous and interesring. Then we went to Harrods for an Ice cream,this was mine- Purdey didnt gave any because she's given up unhealthiness for lent. It was tye lovest ice cream ever but it was bigger than my head so i couldnt finish it!!!*sad times*
Day 28 of the picture challenge (i think im getting tue numbers confuzzled) but i have to post a picture of something im scared of. Im not scared of much to be honest. But in Harrods today i bought Bean Boozled. Thwy are Jelly beans thqt have two flavours for each colour one is nice the other is minging!!!! Im scared of trying them but i did try all of tre and it was nasty!!!

What have you done today??

Friday 25 March 2011

Moi et Ma Famille

So these are the cats i planned to post yesterday YAY it worked on my phone!!!

Today i have to post a picture of... day 28: a picture of you and a family member. So this is me and my mother!!!!!

Im getting my Lond on tomorrow WOOPWOOP 'cited muchly!!!!!
Hiw are you spending you saturday?

Thursday 24 March 2011

welll i'll be damned!!!

Today i have to post picture of something that means a lot to me. Hmmm i'm thinking something along the lines of my putty tats!! I love them to but they are all lovely!!! Dang it i'm turning into a crazy cat lady!!!! But yet again im on my phinw so the picue thing doesnt work which is a big shame. Never mind i'll post the picure tomorrow along with tomorrows pictures

See ya then mwwwahh


Wednesday 23 March 2011

Day 25 - A picture of your day.

Work work work work work!!

haven't really gto much else to say! So I'll see you tomorrow!!


Tuesday 22 March 2011

Day 24 - A picture of something you wish you could change

there is a lot of things I could change right now! But which one to choose?! there is a lot of things I could change right now! But which one to choose?!
The Paparazzi slating celebs because they put a bit of weight on!!! I mean Come on, just because they are famous they have to be size 4 and lower!!! THATS JUST STUPID!!! I'm all for plus size models and I think that the media attacking the size of celebs, sets a terrible example for any teens reading there magasines!

Well today was interesting, it was house day which basically means no lessons but normally house days are rubbish!! However, today was pretty dang awesome, I did an 'It's a Knockout' which was great- I won the Sumo Wrestling!!!! BOO YAHHH
I also did 'The cube' as seen on Tv- but I less glamorous version. I failed dismally- Sad times!
Then I did a circus school thing and ended up writing on a 6th formers face in face paint. After have got my half geisha girl, half I dont know wha on my face!
And that is about it!

So I'm in the mood for drawing but I'm not sure what to draw, any ideas?

P.S. T-minus 4 days till Landin!!! WOOP!!!

P.P.S. Sorry about the rainbow- I feel very creative today!

Monday 21 March 2011

dang not again

dang it i forgot yesterday!!! DOH!!!!
So yesterday I was ment to post a picture of Day 22 - A picture of something you wish you were better at.

I WISH I COULD DANCE!!!! But I cant walk across a clear flat surface without tripping =(

Today I have to post, Day 23: A Picture of your favourite book!
this is such a funny book, I definatley reccommend it!

Saturday 19 March 2011

i really dont want to remember that!!!!

*Deeey twenee one int big brutheeerr ouse. Rhian is wri'in er blog!
Today has been rather relaxing if im honest i spent most Iof the day at my Gramdmas because she has broken her hip 'bad times' but i went over and walked the dog and made her cups of tea. Allin all a nice atfernoon. Then the cousins came over so we walked the dog again. This evening me and my family went to a race night which was a bit of a laugh with everyone cheering on their horse. I started the evening with £5 and ended it with...yup you guessed it NONE!!! But s'll good cause it was a fun evening out. Tomorrow i plan to do nothing all day- well maybe my art homework.

Day 21 is something you wish you could forget... This is a pretty difficult one... There are many things i've that seen that i didnt want to. My older brother in a mankini for one ewwww!!!! But i have chosen Salad Fingw he is the CarEEPIEST cartoon ever!!!!
However because im on my phine it wont let me pist picture so ill post the link!!


Friday 18 March 2011

There's a possibility!!!

Day 20 - A picture of somewhere you’d love to travel.
I love absolutely LOVE to go to Brazil!!! It seems like such an amazing place and I really want to go. Although I'd have to learn at least the basics of Portugues, but hey thats what multi-lingual brothers are for!!

SO It's Comic Relief night and my school did...absolutely nothing to raise money!!! Not even a freaking none uniform day!!!!!! Miserable lot!!! But luckily everywhere else did do something and so far have raised over 26 million pounds so... Congratumalations to everyone- your money is working towards helping, young carers, sick and dying children and adult and more!!!!! WELL DONE!!!!!!

What did you do (if anything) for Comic Relief!?!?!?!


Thursday 17 March 2011

When i was young, I never needed anyone (lol just kidding, what would i be without my parents)

So todays picture is Day 19 - A picture of you when you were little. I need I picture of me when I was small hmmmm well I have 15 years to choose from!!!

this is me on my Christening! I cant remember it for obvious reasons but hey ho I'm a little and it's a picture so it fits the title!!

Very excited for next weekend!!!! WOOOOOOOOOO

Wednesday 16 March 2011

Getting My Lond On!!!!

 Yes I know I missed yesterday so I'm to do two today!!! The first being Day 17 - A picture of something that has made a huge impact on your life recently.
That has to be this lovely lady here...
Purdey Singleton A.K.A Awesome Auntie (nearly). Without her in my life, wouldnt've been to see the awesome Pendulum, I wouldn't be going down to London in two weeks, I would have this blog and I would've found the joys of Candy canes in White chocy, or Meatl Hammer!!! <3

The second being... Day 18 - A picture of your biggest insecurity.
 Ok so they're not my nails but mine are as bad! I hate it! But every time I try and Stop they grow then snap =( *sad times*  Do you have any advice on how to stop biting my nails?!

Hmm I've always wondered why in punctuation the have a comma , a semi colon ; a full stop . an exclamation mark ! and a question mark ? but they dont have somthing that is like an exclamation or question mark with a comma as the dot in stead- so you can put is in the middle of a sentence
What do you think?

xxxxxxxxxxxx <3

Monday 14 March 2011

Day 16 - A picture of someone who inspires you.

Who inspires me? It has to be this guy

Shane Dawson is an amazing person. He had a bad childhood and he had a weight problem but then he found vlogging, which is video blogging, on youtube. he lost alot of weight and still blogs on his three channels, each video getting over 1 million hits!!!!! Which makes him number 3 in the top ten youtube channels 2010!!!
He inspires me because he used a way to express himself and got famous because of it! Like Justin Bieber but with more talent! I say to Shane- Well done buddy!

Who inspires you?


Sunday 13 March 2011

Day 15 a picture of something yu want to do before you die

There is a lot I want to do before I die: Sky dive, climb everest, etc.

But the thing I most want to do before I die is...
Sing in an amazing band, at an amazing concert, with an amazing audience in an amazing location!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I've had a really relaxing day today, just chillin', watching TV and eating rubbish! 
I recieved a text today from Christophaarrr, ( for the Friends watchers out there-you'll get this) he refered to a company called Bloomsberg as Bloomies and couldn't breathe for laughing- to be honest it was quite amusing!

What have you done today?


Saturday 12 March 2011

Day 14 - A picture of someone you could never imagine your life without

Well... someone I cant imagine my life without... there is so many people in my life it's a hard one to judge. But i have so say it's will have to be these strange people
and this one too
These are my brothers- I couldn't imagine my life without them because they have been either responsible for or involved in some way in the goings on in my life. Without the top three I wouldn't be able to cook Enchiladas, Play Halo (although it doesn't make me good at it- average of 3 kills per game) or polish army boots!! And the bottom one well, life would be a lot quieter than it is... but he does make me giggle sometimes! 

Today I have been monging it! And Ihave recently discovered the good food you can get from having a lazy day- Bacon sarnie for breakfast and Chicken Noodles for lunch! i can officially say "nom nom nom!" But I think I have deserved it from the run i took avec mon step dad and mon frere ( Cant remember what Step dad is- think it's Demie Pere but I can't be sure) 

Friday 11 March 2011

Day 13 - A picture of your favorite band or artist.

My favourite band is mostly unheard of in Britain. Although I do highly recommend them!
SHINee is a contemporary R&B South Korean boy band. My top three SHINee songs are; 1. Ring ding dong 2. Lucifer and 3. A-yo! They are all great songs- you cant understand a word but the tune is catchy!

IT's THE WEEKEND!!!!! YAY!!!! 2 days or doing nothing!!!! other than homework and i can do that at my own leisure. Muahahahaha
I've started making my own earrings, Feathers and dangly beaded ones please drop me a line if you would like to buy any; 
£3.00 for Feathers 
£2.00 for Beaded
50% of each sell will go to Comic Relief! Please consider it. Examples below!

( I have ran out of feathers at the moment but I shold be getting some more soon -ish!)


Thursday 10 March 2011

Day 12 - A picture of something you love.

I know it's weird, but I LOVE K-POP!!!!!!!!
My favourite K-pop bands are; SHINee, Bigbang, M-blaq, Super Junior, Kara and BoA!!! I would reccomend that you search them on youtube because you'll love them!!! 
What do you love most?


Wednesday 9 March 2011

Day 11 - A picture of something you hate.

THIS ONE IS SOOO EASY!!!!! My biggest ever pet hate is...

I had to have surgeery on my feet in 2009 and it's not good so I dont like feet!!!!
What's your pet hate?


Tuesday 8 March 2011

Day 10 - A picture of the person you do the most messed up things with.

I hate be repetitive and everything but the person I do the most messed up stuff with is again...
We've done some Pretty crazy stuff; If going to the local supermarket dressed as Darth Vader is considered crazy! Like I said before I love my Alanis! 

What crazy things have you done?


Monday 7 March 2011

Day 09 - A picture of the person who has gotten you through the most.

This girl is the biggest freak in the world!! she honestly is! But she has gotten me through any and all of my problems and I love her to bits!! If I need her, she's there and visa versa!!!!

I got asked the strangest question today! which was.. If you were the opposite sex for a day what would you do? mmmmmm hmmmmmm I'm not quite sure but I think I would buy clothes from boy shops, I've always wanted to do it but I can't cause I'm a girl!! : / I cant really think of anything adventurous to do because I'd do it as a girl too =)
What would you do?


Sunday 6 March 2011

Day Noomberr 8

Today I have to post a picture that makes me laugh! This should be relatively easy =) (she says before beginning)
But I have to say this one...
We were on webcam and I was distorting my face with the effects and Daniel didn't have a clue!!! When he eventually looked at the screen ( teletubbies was on TV) his response was...
All in all a highly amusing night!!

It's sunday- which means it's get ready for school tomorrow and tidy the house day!! yayyyy =/
 But hey ho, I  have something to look forward to now, as I found out today that I shall be gong to Strawberry Fields. It's basically a mini Glastonbury about 5 minutes from my house!!! My best friend in the whole funking world Alanis has decided it's to be my birthday present!!!!!! Now I have to think of something to buy her!!!! ANy ideas?!


Saturday 5 March 2011

My most treasured item!

This one is also difficult! How do you figure out your favourite item?!? How do you decide what is most important to you! =/ hmmmmmm......... But I'm gonna be really soppy here and go for....
These aer possibly the best thing thats happened to me since fried egg!!! They are AMAZING!!!! I've some amazing times with these guys!!
I've had some of the family over today- not for long but it was good to see them we hardly ever do =( but it was rather amusing because my cousin had been out at a party last night and she was feeling a bit delicate today!

What is your most treasured Item?


Friday 4 March 2011

Day 06 - A picture of a person you’d love to trade places with for a day.

Hmm this is a difficult one! There are so many people with amazing lifes in this world! Changing lifes for a day could have it's benifits if you changed with someone like, Mr Facebook or The Queen. However exchanging places with a normal person can give you a better prespective in life! But if I really had too it would be:
David Cameron!!! If I was David Cameron for a day I'd find a way to stop the war and get rid of the credit cruch in one way or another- I'll cross that bridge when I get to it! 

I have to show you these: They are called Star Wars Chop Sabers!
I think they're are amazing but that's just my inner geek talking =P I hope you have a good weekend!!!


Thursday 3 March 2011

De cinco días

We have officially joined the 21st century!!! WE HAVE SKY!!!! YAY!!!! We have the Good Food channels, however Mother still insists on watching Saturday kitchen! =/ WHY!!! Good Food is SO much better.

De cinco días: Roughly translated into Day five! Today I have to post a picture of my favourite memory!
This is the day me and my grandma, granddad, aunt, uncle, brothers, cousins and father all walking out to Bullpoint Lighthouse in Devon!! It rained a lot!! But it was a lovely walk and it was very amusing watching my little brother and cousin run after sheep!!

Wednesday 2 March 2011

Well this one is interesting

Day 4: Today I have to have a picture of my night! This evening I went to my dad's house whilst my brother had Rugby- so my evening was filling with Xbox

What have you been doing this evening?


Tuesday 1 March 2011


Yupp, I missed yesterday so I'm going to do it today and pretend it didnt happen!!
Day 3 is a photo of the cast from your favourite show!! I know most people would put this just cause it's easy but favourite show is FRIENDS!!!

So the reason I didn't do this yesterday was, I had Cadets! That's not even the best bit- it was PT night- Which basically means exersize for TWO HOURS!!!!! Thats isn't the best bit either- I had already done to hours of PE at school (damn you GCSE PE)!!!!! But the best bit had to come this morning when I went to get out of bed, to find my back, arms, legs and neck all so stiff- if they were doors- you wouldn't be leaving the room!!!!!!!

On the upside I've done another peice of art!!! YAY

This is my lion!!!! Rawr!!!

See ya