Saturday 23 April 2011


WHAT A FREAKING NIGHT!!! I won't go into detail but it invovles- drink, disappearances, sick bowls and hyperness!!
It was my friend's birthday today- i'ma call him Duck. So anyways...he had a camp out sleepover thing- speaking of- the whole idea failed considering we're are all currently inside! And peoples drinks too muchly!! and we all know how that can end up! and it did...

I still have not yet decided how I want to spend my days writing this's quite a difficult thing and considering i never have ideas when i sit down to write I should probably start there! Hmmmm...I will decide...eventually.

I hopes you all has a gorgeous easter and I lovely night!!


Sunday 17 April 2011

It's a little bit repetative...

So I've noticed that my blog is getting a bit repetative with this challenge so I've decided to finish it here. But don't go all manic depressant on me (as if you actually would) I will think of something interesting to do- Haven't quite decided what that is yet though...but I'll colour that section when I get to it.

Since it has been a lovely day I spent an hour this morning mowing the lawn: Papa can't because he's on crutches.
And I spent the afternoon washing the bother's girlfriend's horse Foxy. She is a beautiful white horse but she had yellow legs so we were trying to get rid of them...we failed today :-/ So now I smell slightly horse like...but nothing unbarable- i love the smell of horses!

I'm in the mood for comedy movies at the moment- having just watched Zoolander starring Ben Stiller and Owen Wilson. I'm feeling very Ugugalisish now, and I keep brain blerting quotes from the movie- I can too turn left!!!! Definately a feel good movie for the holidays!

How have you been spending your days?


Saturday 16 April 2011

It may not be perfect, but it's life. Life is messy sometimes.

Deey 10 ont blog! T'deeey Rhian 'as to porst a videor of a song from 'er favourite album... So that my chums is what I have done. What what tally ho and all that you know

I have spent most of today stuck at Warwick Uni at some Tennis finals- i don't even like Tennis! Bleh... but when I got eventually got home I literally straight away got started with my Art homework...occasionally aided by the step-bother! And I have to say it is looking pretty 'epicgendarysomefulnessingtonsitiousazingulousestedastic' to use a previously discribed word! Although it isn't finished, although that is the (i suppose) the beauty of wrk like thus; it's never fully finished, I have decided to let you see it so far: jusr bear in mind more is going to be added.
The title for thus post is taken from a quote written on the work, and it basically describes both life and my art, all of it is a bit confusing but basically i have on there; places i've been and would like to go to; family and friends; sports; imagination and fantasy; music; and comfort foods!! YAY!! And it is all connected by a ribbon, ribbon featued on bestseller Eclipse by Stephanie Mayer!!!

How was you Sat'deey?
xx mwah

Friday 15 April 2011

Im looking forward to this

Tots tv was my FAVOURITEST tv show when i was midget!!!!

So today was the last day of term for 2 and a half weeks! can i get a woop woop?!!! And for the one and only time in life i'm actually looking forward to doing some homework, I have create a mood board for 'My World' and it isn't until you start planning one of these that you realise how full you life is...i have started it but its still a working progress but as soon as its nearly done I'll show you! :-)

I'm at my Dads house tonight until Thursday i think...apparently I'm going out with my famipy tomorrow but no-one will tell me where!!! GRR I hate surprises like this!!

THE COUNTDOWN HAS BEGUN....15 DAY TIL MY BUFFDAY!!! WOOP WOOP ( yes another woop woop)

My creepy step brother is standing in my room play woth my earring wires FEREAK!!!

Have a good holiday!!!

Thursday 14 April 2011

School Report

So... I just read my school report! I got rather confused about it! My art teacher had said that my current grade is a C and that my target grade was a C but I wasn't on track to make my target!? Brain Fart!

Today has gone really fast!! Physics mockiness, French Courseworkiness, English nothingness, Textiles stressiness, and critical thinking hum-to yourself-iness! OKAYYY!! and Breathe!

I want a movie to go and see next week at some point can anybody give me any ideas, of anything they have seen recently they thought was good?

I am current sitting on the laptop covered in cat hair because one of the molty moggy decided to molt all over me! and considering I'm allergic to fur its not good!

For the 100 Day song challenge today I have to post Day 08: A song you used to like but now hate.

I used to love this song but then STOOPID JEDWARD!!! did a cover of it and poisoned its loveliness with their spikey melon hair and creepy squarking!!!!GRRRR AT YOU JEDWARD, YOU DIDN'T EVEN WIN!!!! GRRRRRR BOOOO HISSSS!!!!!
Me and the step brother had a bit of a special war today! It all started with his 'new word' Epicgendary' and spiralled into EPICGENDARYSOMEFULNESSINGTONSITIOUSAZINGULOUSESTIENTED but then I think I have won with- Right I cant offically finish this!!! EPICGENDARYSOMEFULNESSINGTONSITIOU

See ya tomorrow!!


Wednesday 13 April 2011

Really not very good at this!!

I guess that didnt work. I have literally had no time to post since last tine... i cant even rememner when it the ast few days of videos from day 6 are coming up over the next few days!!

Today- Day 7- one of my favourite songs...this is easy!!!!

This is one of My Chemical Romance's more recent songs from the album Danger Days. I definatley reccommend it!!

So for the past few days I have been revising for the GCSE exams i am taking in May... eeepp last
ones then I'll hopefully have a GCSE in science...all im definatley hoping because I have NO idea what i want to be in the future...i have been writing french coursework and making a bag!! All of which has to be in TOMORROW!!! Luckily i finished my bag today so its all good! I havent got a picture of it yet but as soon as I do I'll post it!

I am soooooo looking forward to Friday!! Last day of term before two weeks of lie ins...chocolate and muchos baking de fatty!!! YAY!!!!!

What are you up to this weekend?


Saturday 9 April 2011


Damn!! I've been so busy at the moment I have totally forgot to post!

So I'm gonna do the past three days in one!

Day 04: A song you can remember you parents listening to.

It's my song!!!! Cause my name is Rhiannon!!!
Day 05: A song a friend likes but you don't
I HATE THIS SONG!!!!!!!!!!!!! But my friend likes it! GRRR
And finally today!
Day 06: A novelty song
Im not quite sure what it means by novelty so I'm gonna go for a Disney song
What does your weekend involve with all this sun I hope its GREAT!!!

Wednesday 6 April 2011

5-4-3-2-1 BLAST OFF!!!!!

I spent today at the National Space Centre in Leicester with some people from school! And now I can officially say I Loves SPACE!!!!! It was really interesting to see all of the exhibits, and really funny to see the videos of astronauts pulling on trousers in zero-gravity and blowing water bubbles!
We made rockets and blasted them into the sky! Oh and I got to sit on a hover craft- HOW AWESOME IS THAT?!?!?!
I cant find my phone cable at the moment but as soon as I do I'll post some pictures.

As for my little challenge- today I have to post...Day 03: A song that reminds you of a night out. (when was it and where?)

There really is only one song and one night for it!!!
And the only night is obviously New years eve every year at 12!!!! I really do love this song- it one of those that you can kind of hum along to the verses then belt out the chorus at the top of your voice!!!


Tuesday 5 April 2011

well that worked out!

I noticed today that I haven't blogged since the first day of my new challenge- so ooops! dont worry starting from now I'll blog every day!!!

Day 2:  A song from the first album you ever bought. (what was the album?)

When I was about 7 I bought the  Dont Stop Movin' album!! I used to love S Club and I got really upset when they split!!

So today I did some epic soldering for my bag in textiles!! I am having LED lights put into the front but I have to make up the circuit for it! I'll post a picture when it's finished!

What have you been up to in the recent days?


Sunday 3 April 2011

Day 1 of 100!!!

So today I am starting the 100 Day Song Challenge!!! Today I have to post...Day 01: A song you know all the lyrics to. So hmm...

I know it's a lil bit depressing but I do love this song!!! And I do know all the words!!

I've had quite an enjoyable weekend! I went to the cinema with my Brothers which was awesome!!! We saw Sucker Punch! I highly reccomend it!!!!

Friday 1 April 2011

EUREKA!!!!!!! :-D

Ah ha!! I have divised a cunning and fool proof plan to coax myself in to keeping a regular blog!!! I have decided to carry on with the idea of challenges.

I have recently finished The 30 Day photo challenge. So I have decide to get a little but harder and go for the 100 day song challenge!!!!

100 days of listening to the most epic and fail songs in the history of mars and jupiter!!!

But its midnight right now and I'm tired so I'll start tomorrow.


Laters my little popsicle sticks!!!
