Tuesday 31 January 2012

A Journey Through Life, Procrastination and Brian Cox!

Hey hey! It's me again- well- who else would it be? Silly Goose!

This weekend has been full to bursting point with work of most kinds! I had a physics exam on yesterday afternoon which i spent the majority of Saturday revising for that! (Complete waste of time if you ask me- I already have a C and I'm crap at Physics as it is!)

A Journey Through Life, the title of my Art homework. I had to photograph my day, and considering my weekend was spent working, I'm not gonna bore you by showing the pictures!

On the up side of life I gots me a new book!!!
Wonders of the Universe!

And finally I'd to draw you attention to a page on facebook shown to me by mumzy! Corsets-Uk (search it) it a page that does exactly what it says in the tin...it sell the most amazing gorgeous corsets!! I highly recommend taking a look. They are all at great prices and a great quality!!

Friday 27 January 2012


JUNE?!?!?!!? JUNE?!?!?!?!?! I HAVEN'T WRITTEN SINCE JUNE!?!?!?!?! MY GOSH!!!

Hey everybody!! Belated Merry Christmas, Happy Hannukah, Happy New Year- you know the drill...I'm not going to bore you with my New Years Resolutions because to be honest, it's practically february and it's a bit to late.

My Christmas was lovely, I spent it down in London with Aunt Type Creature Purdey It was full of drinks and presents and all round family fun based shenanagens. My favourite part has to be walking the Ginger Terror (small ginger dog thing) around Tottenham Court Road in my baby grow jammies and biker boots!! I did get a few odd looks but hey; its London- Everyone dresses weird!!

And now for something very silly.......the Aunt Type Creature posted this little quiz/name generator on her blog the other day and it made me giggle to I thought I'd share it with you.....

1.) Real Name: Rhiannon Leake

2.) Detective name(favorite color & favorite animal): Green Elephant

3.) Gangster Name (first 3 letters of your first name & add izzle): Rhiizzle

4.) Soap Opera Name (middle name & street you live on): Catrin Wadebridge

5.) Your Star Wars Name (first 3 letters of your last name, first 2 letters of your middle name): Leari

6.) Your Superhero Name (2nd favorite color & favorite drink): Yellow Milk (sounds nasty)

7.) Your Witness Protection Name (your fathers middle name): Michael

8.) Your Goth Name (black & the name of one of your pets): Black Cassie

I'm enjoying my Star Wars name and I may have to change it to this, Or I'll call my kid that!! AWWWW BABY LEARI!!!!

Recently I have been told by people a lot recently that I look like Kristen Stewart...I'm not sure if this is a complement or an insult?
I cant see it to be honest!