Tuesday 23 April 2013

Insomniatic talking...P.S I need reminding to change the header of my blog, won't be 16 much longer :D


Insomnia strikes again and I'm in need of something to send me to sleep, so I thought Id write a wee bit and see if it gets me anywhere :)

Nothing all that exciting has been happening recently, preparing for my exams has practically taken over my life :( but I'm hoping this new found bright thing in the sky is going to change that soon and I'll have more to blog about. I've got some wonderful holidays coming up on the next few months so I will hopefully be back on the metaphorical wagon!

This weekend appears to be an exciting one, Tiger has all but decided he's taking me ice skating to celebrate my birthday!! I loved roller blading when my blades fit, but my balance is SHOCKING!! Seriously I fall over by simply standing still, so I'm not sure how I'll fair on ice!!! But nonetheless I'm really looking forward to it and I hope to god it doesn't end in A&E because that would NOT be a good end to something so awesome! More on that later...maybe...if I remember...don't hold me to that.

I've been window shopping a lot recently with my birthday coming up family have been asking me what I want, my main answer was money or my Provisional Drivers Licence (not that I can afford to learn right now). However I did come across a couple of things that caught my fancy!

The first was a gorgeous long military style coat. Now I know what you're thinking- oh my god a big coat when it's nearly summer?!?! But don't panic, as far as I know I've stopped in the growing department, so Ill be able to wear it when winter comes knocking :D I sent the link to the beauty to my wonderful Mumsy and a few days later...this happened

Isn't it gorgeous??!? I absolutely love it and cannot wait until winter so I can wear it all time :) it's so cosy and warm I don't want to take it off when it's on :D

Right I feel the drooping of eyelids so I'm hoping that spells sleep, night night my lovelies I hope you enjoy your weekend as much as I'm looking forward to mine :D

Rhi xx

Friday 1 March 2013

Kittenish Behaviour and London Tales and other things

Hey humans!!!

So if you read my blog before you will know of Aunt Type Creature (AKA Kittenish Behaviour), well today at 12:00 was the OFFICIAL (!) launch of Kittenishbehaviour.com ; her online boutique, which sells women's  fashion  from Amazing designers such as Bernie Dexter and also some VERY limited edition handmade creations from the Wonderful Woman her self!! :D

Now I, being as lucky as I am, have already been given a beautiful one off design for my birthday last year, which I love so so so much!!
I know the quality is rubbish but I took it on my old webcam. But it is what I would class as a 'Skater Dress' with a Roy Lichtenstein-esque pattern on it. By that I mean the cartoon women and block colour, however it is minus all the dots!! I absolutely love it and the fact its unique makes it all the more special!! 
At the beginning of last week I made another trip down to London to give Aunt Type Creature a hand with some of the final preparations. 
On Monday night we took a taxi up to Covent Garden to try and get in to the club called Roadhouse to see her friend play in his band. Yes, I said club, I'm fully aware that I'm only 16!! However this wasn't the main probably, neither me nor Aunt had ID (Me because I don't own any and Aunt because she doesn't drive and only has a passport she doesn't want to carry), however we think the bouncers kind of believed that I was '19'. the problem was that they didn't believe Aunt was in her early 30's ( I won't say how old but early 30's)!!!!!!!! So we went to a few other bars , namely Sophies Steakhouse, I know its meant to be a restaurant but we only really consumed liquid.

Also Navajo Joe's a restaurant and cocktail bar that had the BIGGEST wall of alcohol I've ever seen...this is only half

This marks the date where I tried my first ever cocktail!! I decided to begin with 'The Lychee' mainly because I LOOOOVVEEEE lychees and my favourite ever drink is Lychee Rubicon.

On Tuesday we spent all day running errands all over London...from Covent garden to Kings Road, we did a wee bit of personal shopping on route, including me getting these sexy beasts

Amongst other things....

Also we had a lovely lunch with Biggest Brother after I realised the week before that we hadn't spoken since Xmas!!!! and ended the day with Charmed, £20 of junk food and sugar induced comas! 

On Wednesday we went to the Tate Modern gallery to see the Roy Lichtenstein and the Bigger Splash exhibitions which were both amazing!!!! 

this is a very long post, but im a bit bored as Tiger has abandoned me at his flat for a work pub crawl :D and needed to entertain myself, I hope i didnt bore you too much

lots of love



Monday 25 February 2013

The future and all that

Right yes, hello!

Now I'm not sure if I've mentioned this in an earlier post ( and I too lazy to go back and look) but I don't have a clue what I want to do with my life once I finish my A levels in July 2014. Literally no idea!!! It's been playing on my mind a lot recently as college is starting to say we need to start deciding on the future, and when you're someone like me that gets stressy and upset when you don't know what's going on this can be difficult.

Now I've shared this issue with multiple people in the past few months and their responses have generally been the same..."It doesn't matter right now" according to everyone outside of college that I've spoken to (i.e. adult types) that fact I don't know isn't a huge problem because I'm probably going to change my mind about careers and stuff a lot during my life. Which fair enough is probably true, I get bored very easily and can't see it being any different with jobs, I rarely even paint my nails because I get bored of the colour after a few hours and take it off. However I do think that it matters in the not so distant future I'm going to have to start making serious plans about my future life, and if I don't have a start point what am I meant to aim for?!

What do I want to do?
Where do I want to go?
Cardboard box on the side of the M42?

To all of these questions (maybe except the last) the answer is "I don't know" and it terrifies me. I'm stuck.

Adult family and friend types say it doesn't matter right now, adult teacher types say it does. I'm confused, undecided and scared! It doesn't help that every other day someone asks me if I know what I want to do, sometimes the same person days apart! I've already said I don't know it won't have changed in the space of 48 hours!!!

So to sum up, right now, I'm a scared, confused16 year old girl that is getting bombarded with questions I don't know the answer to and I don't know what to do!

Do any of you have any help?

Lots of love

