Friday 9 March 2012

Keep Calm and Eat A Cupcake

Hey guys!! Okay this is the first blog of hopefully many written ENTIRELY on my IPhone Blogger App!!! Yay!!!!

The past few weeks have been totally hectic!!! London, exams, work, being awesome! It's tiring y'know! :)

So let's start from the beginning-London, I did get the extra day down there with Aunt Type Creature which was absolutely awesome!!
We got a lot of jobs done and still had le time to bake the worlds yummiest cupcakes!!! And I even got to lick the bowl!!! Unfortunately I could quite get to the bottom! :(

Exams=urgh nuff said

Last night I was told by Mumsy that I had to tidy my wardrobe-I can under stand why....

So after vigorously emptying my wardrobe of clothes and recreating the great wall of china with them!

And finding random objects that shouldn't normally be in a wardrobe... Like crayons!

I now have a lush tidy wardrobe! The sad part's full!!! :( I need another wardrobe so I have a reason to buy new clothes-to fill it!!!!!

Also you may not have noticed but it's currently the tine of year that people give up certain things for a stupid amount of time for no reason! AKA Lent-my initial idea for this was to give up Quavers, Tooty Frooties and Cherry Coke-however this didn't last, as the day after the beginning if Lent I went out to my local Co-op; bought one of each and proceeded to chow down! Never have 'forbidden foods' tasted so good!!!

So all in all, a productive few weeks-I'm hoping to be able to post more now that I have acquired this app! So watch out for more of my Teenage Wanderings in the future-I tend to wander a lot so I think I'ma be okay!!

Lots of lovely love!